Bible Stories

The Fall of Man: Bible Story – मनुष्य का पतन: बाइबिल कहानी

God created Adam, the first man, and Eve, the first woman, and placed them in a perfect home, the Garden of Eden. In fact, everything about Earth was perfect at that moment in time.

Food, in the form of fruit and vegetables, was plentiful and free for the taking. The garden God created was spectacularly beautiful. Even the animals got along with one another, all of them eating plants at that early stage.

God put two important trees in the garden: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam’s duties were clear. God told him to tend the garden and not eat the fruit of those two trees, or he would die. Adam passed that warning on to his wife.

Then Satan entered the garden, disguised as a serpent. He did what he is still doing today. He lied:

Instead of believing God, Eve believed Satan. She ate the fruit and gave some to her husband to eat. Scripture says “the eyes of both of them were opened.” (Genesis 3:7, NIV) They realized they were naked and made hasty coverings from fig leaves.

God invoked curses on Satan, Eve, and Adam. God could have destroyed Adam and Eve, but out of his gracious love, he killed animals to make clothes for them to cover their newly-discovered nakedness. He did, however, cast them out of the Garden of Eden.

From that time on, the Bible records a sad history of humanity disobeying God, but God had put his plan of salvation in place before the foundation of the world. He responded to the Fall of Man with a Savior and Redeemer, his Son Jesus Christ.


The Fall of Man: Bible Story – मनुष्य का पतन: बाइबिल कहानी

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