Bible Stories

Story of jacob leaving laban – याकूब द्वारा लाबान को छोड़ने की कहानी

Story of Jacob leaving Laban is a significant part of the biblical narrative found in the Book of Genesis, specifically in chapters 30 and 31.

Jacob, the son of Isaac and Rebekah, had been living with his uncle Laban in Haran for about 20 years. He had married Laban’s daughters, Leah and Rachel, and had accumulated a large family and considerable wealth, primarily through the breeding of livestock.

Jacob received a message from God instructing him to return to his homeland. This divine command prompted him to take action.

Over time, tensions grew between Jacob and Laban. Laban’s attitude toward Jacob changed, and Jacob felt that Laban was not treating him fairly, particularly regarding wages for his work and the ownership of livestock.

Sensing the growing animosity, Jacob devised a plan. He secretly decided to leave Laban and return to Canaan, taking his family and possessions with him.

Jacob left without informing Laban. He took his wives, children, and all his livestock, leaving in the night to avoid confrontation.

Before leaving, Rachel stole her father’s household gods (teraphim), which were likely used in Laban’s household worship.

When Laban discovered that Jacob had fled, he was furious and pursued him for seven days.

God warned Laban in a dream not to harm Jacob, advising him to speak neither good nor bad to Jacob.

Upon catching up with Jacob, Laban confronted him about his departure. Jacob explained his reasons for leaving, mentioning the unfair treatment he had received.

When Laban searched for his stolen idols, Rachel cleverly hid them and lied to her father about not being able to rise because of her menstrual cycle, thus preventing Laban from finding them.

To resolve their conflict, Jacob and Laban made a covenant, marking the boundaries of their territories. They set up a heap of stones as a witness to their agreement.

Jacob departed from Laban’s territory, finally heading towards his homeland, enriched by his time there but eager to reconcile with his brother Esau, whom he had not seen for many years. This journey set the stage for further developments in Jacob’s life, including his eventual encounter with Esau, which is recounted in the subsequent chapters of Genesis.

The story highlights themes of family conflict, divine guidance, and the complexities of human relationships, emphasizing the importance of faith and trust in God amidst challenging circumstances.


Story of jacob leaving laban – याकूब द्वारा लाबान को छोड़ने की कहानी

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