Bible Stories

The story of absalom entrance into jerusalem – अबशालोम के यरूशलेम प्रवेश की कहानी

The story of Absalom’s entrance into Jerusalem is a pivotal moment in the rebellion of King David’s son against his father. Absalom, a handsome and ambitious prince, had spent years plotting to take the throne of Israel from David. His desire for power was fueled by a combination of personal grievances and political ambition, eventually leading to open rebellion.

Absalom’s rebellion was not born overnight. Years earlier, his sister Tamar had been assaulted by their half-brother Amnon, and when David failed to take action against Amnon, Absalom harbored deep resentment. He later avenged his sister by killing Amnon, which led to his exile from Jerusalem. After being allowed to return, Absalom began to sow seeds of discontent among the people of Israel, subtly undermining David’s rule.

Absalom positioned himself at the city gate, where he flattered and promised justice to those who came with complaints, gradually stealing the hearts of the people. After four years of this, Absalom declared himself king in Hebron, rallying a large following against David. Realizing the danger, David and his loyal followers fled Jerusalem, leaving the city vulnerable to Absalom’s forces.

With David and his household in retreat, Absalom saw his opportunity to seize the capital. He entered Jerusalem with a show of strength, accompanied by his supporters, and took control of the palace. This moment was the culmination of his rebellion—he had succeeded in ousting his father from the throne, at least temporarily.

Upon entering the city, Absalom sought the counsel of Ahithophel, a once-trusted advisor of David who had defected to Absalom’s side. Ahithophel suggested that Absalom publicly assert his claim to the throne by sleeping with David’s concubines, who had been left behind to care for the palace. This act, carried out in full view of the people, was meant to demonstrate that Absalom was now the undisputed ruler of Israel and that there was no turning back in his rebellion against David.

Even though Absalom had taken Jerusalem, David was not without hope. He had left behind a trusted advisor, Hushai, to infiltrate Absalom’s court and serve as a double agent. When Absalom asked for advice on how to defeat David, Hushai countered Ahithophel’s counsel to immediately pursue and strike David while he was vulnerable. Instead, Hushai recommended gathering a larger army and attacking David with overwhelming force later, buying time for David to regroup.

Hushai’s plan was intended to delay Absalom, giving David the opportunity to prepare his forces for the inevitable confrontation. In the end, Absalom rejected Ahithophel’s counsel in favor of Hushai’s, a decision that would prove to be a fatal mistake.

While Absalom was temporarily in control of Jerusalem, the tide would soon turn. David gathered his loyal troops and prepared for battle. In the forest of Ephraim, David’s forces clashed with Absalom’s army in a decisive battle. During the battle, Absalom, while riding a mule, got his head caught in the branches of a tree, leaving him helpless and suspended in midair. Joab, David’s commander, found Absalom and killed him, ending the rebellion.

David mourned deeply for his son Absalom, despite the betrayal and rebellion, uttering the famous words: “O my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died in your place!” (2 Samuel 18:33).

The story of Absalom’s rebellion and his entrance into Jerusalem is a cautionary tale about the consequences of unchecked ambition, family discord, and the tragic outcomes of rebellion against God’s established order. Though Absalom temporarily seized power, his defiance against his father and his lack of true wisdom led to his downfall.


The story of absalom entrance into jerusalem – अबशालोम के यरूशलेम प्रवेश की कहानी

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