
Prayer for guidance in finding trustworthy and dedicated employees – भरोसेमंद और समर्पित कर्मचारियों को खोजने में मार्गदर्शन के लिए प्रार्थना

Lord, Mighty in Power, You have given me a fantastic business, and I am seeking to manage it in conformance to Your ways. As I grow, I will need new employees. I need people who are honest, reliable, and dedicated to helping the business succeed.

I need people who are going to stick around, so I don’t waste time retraining person after person on the same tasks. Why are these people so hard to find, Lord? Please guide me to those who will be a blessing to the work and ones that I will be able to bless in return. Amen.


Prayer for guidance in finding trustworthy and dedicated employees –

भरोसेमंद और समर्पित कर्मचारियों को खोजने में मार्गदर्शन के लिए प्रार्थना

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