Bible Stories

The story of jeroboam and rehoboam – यारोबाम और रहूबियाम की कहानी

The story of Jeroboam and Rehoboam is an important part of biblical history, primarily found in the Old Testament, particularly in the books of 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles. 

Jeroboam was a servant of King Solomon, the son of David, who ruled over Israel. Solomon’s reign was marked by prosperity but also by heavy taxation and forced labor to support his grand building projects, including the Temple in Jerusalem. Rehoboam was Solomon’s son and the heir to the throne of Israel.

After Solomon’s death, the people of Israel sought a change in leadership. They approached Rehoboam at Shechem, asking him to lighten the heavy yoke that his father had placed upon them. Rehoboam initially sought advice from the older advisors who had served his father. They counseled him to be a servant to the people and to speak kindly to them, promising that they would serve him forever. However, Rehoboam then consulted with his peers, who suggested he respond harshly, stating, “My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist.

My father laid a heavy burden on you; I will make it even heavier.” When Rehoboam followed the advice of his peers and declared his intention to impose even harsher rules, the ten northern tribes of Israel rejected his rule. They declared, “What share do we have in David? To your tents, O Israel! Look now to your own house, David!” This led to the division of the kingdom into two separate nations: the northern kingdom of Israel (led by Jeroboam) and the southern kingdom of Judah (led by Rehoboam).

Jeroboam became the king of the northern kingdom of Israel. To prevent his people from returning to Jerusalem in Judah for worship, he set up two golden calves in Bethel and Dan, leading the people into idolatry. He feared that if the people continued to go to Jerusalem, they would ultimately turn back to Rehoboam and abandon him.

Rehoboam ruled over the southern kingdom of Judah, which included Jerusalem, the temple, and the Davidic line of kings. His reign was marked by conflict with Jeroboam and the northern tribes, leading to battles and divisions between the two kingdoms.

After ruling for 22 years, Jeroboam died and was succeeded by his son Nadab. His reign was marred by idolatry, and the prophet Ahijah had foretold that his dynasty would be cut off due to his unfaithfulness to God. Rehoboam ruled for 17 years and also faced challenges due to his failure to heed wise counsel and his leadership style. He too engaged in idolatry and failed to turn the people back to God. Upon his death, he was succeeded by his son Abijah.

The stories of Jeroboam and Rehoboam highlight themes of leadership, wisdom, and the consequences of turning away from God. Their decisions led to the division of Israel, which had lasting repercussions on the nation and its people. The history of these two kings serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of humility, wise counsel, and faithfulness to God’s commandments.


The story of jeroboam and rehoboam – यारोबाम और रहूबियाम की कहानी

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