Bible Stories

The story of absalom being hit by a spear in the heart – अबशालोम के हृदय में भाला लगने की कहानी

The story of absalom being hit by a spear in the heart is a poignant and dramatic episode found in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in 2 Samuel. Here’s a summary of the events surrounding Absalom’s rebellion against his father, King David, and his tragic end.

Absalom was one of King David’s sons, known for his beauty and charm. His story is marked by his ambition, rebellion, and tragic demise. Following the incident involving Amnon (Absalom’s half-brother) and Tamar (Absalom’s sister), Absalom sought revenge against Amnon, which he accomplished by having Amnon killed. This act strained his relationship with David and led to Absalom’s temporary exile.

After a time of exile, Absalom was allowed to return to Jerusalem, but he did not see his father, King David, for two years. Eventually, they were reconciled. Absalom sought to gain the hearts of the people of Israel. He would stand by the city gate, listening to the grievances of the people and offering to help them, thus winning their favor. With the support of a growing number of followers, Absalom declared himself king in Hebron, effectively rebelling against his father, King David. This act led to a civil war in Israel.

As Absalom’s forces marched to confront David, the king gathered his loyal followers and prepared for battle. David, showing compassion for his son despite the rebellion, instructed his troops to deal gently with Absalom. The two armies clashed in the Forest of Ephraim, where David’s forces were victorious. Absalom’s men were defeated and scattered.

During the battle, Absalom rode on a mule. As he rode through the forest, his hair became caught in the branches of a large oak tree. The mule he was riding continued on, leaving Absalom hanging in midair by his hair. In this vulnerable position, Absalom was discovered by one of David’s soldiers named Joab.

Joab had received word of Absalom’s predicament from another soldier who reported seeing him hanging in the tree. Joab, seeing an opportunity, decided to kill Absalom despite David’s orders to spare him. Joab took three spears and thrust them into Absalom’s heart, effectively ending his life.

Following Absalom’s death, Joab signaled the troops to cease fighting. A messenger was sent to inform David of the victory but also of Absalom’s death. David was heartbroken upon hearing the news. He mourned deeply for his son, crying out, “O my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! Would I had died instead of you, O Absalom, my son, my son!”

Absalom’s story serves as a powerful narrative about the consequences of ambition, rebellion, and familial strife. His tragic end hanging by his hair symbolizes his futile pursuit of power and the ultimate cost of his actions. The story highlights themes of loyalty, the complexity of father-son relationships, and the deep sorrow that can accompany loss, especially within the royal family of Israel.


The story of absalom being hit by a spear in the heart –

अबशालोम के हृदय में भाला लगने की कहानी

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