Bible Stories

The story of joseph selling corn and acquiring land for pharaoh – यूसुफ द्वारा अनाज बेचने और फिरौन के लिए ज़मीन खरीदने की कहानी

The story of Joseph selling corn and acquiring land for Pharaoh is found in the Book of Genesis, specifically in Genesis 41-47.

Joseph, the son of Jacob, was sold into slavery by his brothers and ended up in Egypt. Through a series of events, including his ability to interpret dreams, he gained favor with Pharaoh. Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream about seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine, advising him to store grain during the years of plenty.

Pharaoh appointed Joseph as second-in-command over Egypt to oversee the storage of grain. During the seven years of abundance, Joseph collected vast quantities of grain and stored it in cities across Egypt.

When the famine struck, it affected not only Egypt but also surrounding regions, including Canaan, where Jacob and his family lived. People from various countries came to Egypt to buy grain.

As the famine worsened, the people of Egypt ran out of money to buy food. Joseph devised a plan to sell grain for livestock. Eventually, when the people had no livestock left, they offered themselves and their land in exchange for grain. Joseph accepted their land and made them tenants of Pharaoh, effectively consolidating Pharaoh’s power and resources.

By the end of the famine, Pharaoh owned all the land in Egypt except for the priests’ land, and the people became servants to Pharaoh. Joseph ensured the welfare of the people by establishing a system where they received seed to sow the land in exchange for a fifth of the produce.

This story illustrates Joseph’s wisdom and leadership in managing resources during a crisis. It also highlights themes of survival, economic strategy, and the centralization of power. Joseph’s actions ensured Egypt’s stability during a time of hardship and demonstrated how a crisis can lead to significant political and economic changes.


The story of joseph selling corn and acquiring land for pharaoh –

यूसुफ द्वारा अनाज बेचने और फिरौन के लिए ज़मीन खरीदने की कहानी

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