Bible Stories

The story of the confirmation of the abrahamic covenant to isaac – इसहाक के लिए अब्राहमिक वाचा की पुष्टि की कहानी

The story of the confirmation of the Abrahamic covenant for Isaac is found in Genesis 26. After Abraham’s death, Isaac faces challenges in the land of Gerar, where a famine causes him to consider moving there. However, God instructs him to remain in Gerar and assures him of His promises.

In this account, God confirms the covenant He made with Abraham, promising Isaac that He will bless him and multiply his descendants. God reminds Isaac that this is because of Abraham’s faithfulness and obedience.

Isaac then reopens the wells dug by his father that had been closed by the Philistines, symbolizing the continuation of Abraham’s legacy.

Isaac also faces conflict with locals over water rights, but God continues to protect him, allowing him to dig new wells and eventually find peace. The story emphasizes themes of faith, inheritance, and God’s unwavering promises across generations.


The story of the confirmation of the abrahamic covenant to isaac –

इसहाक के लिए अब्राहमिक वाचा की पुष्टि की कहानी

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