Bible Stories

The story of absalom’s death – अबशालोम की मृत्यु की कहानी

Absalom, the son of King David, was known for his extraordinary beauty and charm. However, his ambition and rebellion led him to a tragic end. Absalom had risen in revolt against his father, King David, attempting to seize the throne of Israel. The rebellion divided the kingdom, and a fierce battle ensued between David’s loyal forces and Absalom’s followers.

Despite his son’s betrayal, David instructed his commanders to deal gently with Absalom, as his fatherly love still remained strong. The battle took place in the forest of Ephraim, and David’s forces were victorious. During the chaotic retreat, Absalom, riding on a mule, found himself entangled in the thick branches of an oak tree. His hair, known for its length and beauty, got caught in the branches, and he was left hanging in the air, unable to free himself.

Joab, David’s commander, found Absalom in this helpless state. Ignoring David’s plea for mercy, Joab thrust three spears into Absalom’s heart, killing him. Absalom’s body was then cast into a deep pit in the forest, and a heap of stones was piled over him.

When David received the news of Absalom’s death, he was overcome with grief. He wept bitterly, crying out, “O my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! Would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!” Despite his son’s rebellion, David’s love for Absalom remained, and his sorrow was profound.

The death of Absalom marked the end of the rebellion, but it also left David heartbroken, a tragic reminder of the consequences of pride and rebellion within his own family.


The story of absalom’s death – अबशालोम की मृत्यु की कहानी

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