Bible Stories

The story of “Marching through the sea” – “मार्चिंग थ्रू द सी” की कहानी

The story of “Marching Through the Sea” is a dramatic and miraculous event in the history of the Israelites, recorded in the Book of Exodus, chapters 13 and 14. It narrates how God delivered the Israelites from the pursuing Egyptian army by parting the Red Sea, allowing them to cross safely and escape slavery.

After the final plague, the death of the firstborn, Pharaoh finally relented and allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt. The Israelites, led by Moses, began their journey out of slavery, heading toward the Promised Land. God guided them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, showing them the way.

However, shortly after they left, Pharaoh regretted his decision and gathered his army to pursue the Israelites. Pharaoh and his officials realized that they had lost their labor force, and they wanted to bring the Israelites back to Egypt. Pharaoh assembled his chariots, horses, and soldiers and set out after them.

As the Israelites camped by the Red Sea, they saw Pharaoh’s army approaching in the distance. Trapped between the sea and the advancing Egyptian forces, the Israelites were terrified. They cried out to Moses, questioning why they had been brought out of Egypt only to die in the wilderness.

In response, Moses reassured the people, telling them not to be afraid. He urged them to stand firm and witness God’s deliverance. Moses declared that the Lord would fight for them and that they only needed to be still and trust in Him.

God then spoke to Moses, instructing him to raise his staff and stretch out his hand over the sea. God promised to part the waters so that the Israelites could walk through the sea on dry ground. He also assured Moses that He would harden Pharaoh’s heart so that the Egyptians would pursue them, leading to their ultimate defeat. This miraculous event would demonstrate God’s power and glory to both the Israelites and the Egyptians.

As Moses obeyed God’s command and stretched out his hand over the sea, a strong east wind began to blow. The wind divided the waters, creating a path of dry land through the sea. The waters stood like walls on either side of the path, allowing the Israelites to march through the sea safely.

All night long, the Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry ground. The pillar of cloud moved behind them, coming between the Israelites and the Egyptian army, providing a barrier of protection. The cloud brought darkness to the Egyptians but light to the Israelites, preventing the Egyptians from reaching them during the night.

Once the Israelites had crossed to the other side, the Egyptian army pursued them into the sea. However, as they advanced, God caused confusion among the Egyptian soldiers. Their chariot wheels became stuck, and they realized that God was fighting against them.

At God’s command, Moses again stretched out his hand over the sea, and the waters rushed back into place. The entire Egyptian army that had entered the sea was swept away and drowned. Not a single one of them survived.

When the Israelites saw the mighty power of God displayed against the Egyptians, they were filled with awe and reverence. They believed in the Lord and in His servant Moses. The people rejoiced and celebrated their deliverance from slavery and the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea.

Moses and the Israelites sang a song of praise to the Lord, celebrating His victory and expressing their gratitude for His protection and guidance. Miriam, Moses’ sister, led the women in dancing and playing tambourines as they sang praises to God.

The crossing of the Red Sea was a pivotal moment in the history of the Israelites. It marked the final act of their liberation from Egypt and solidified their identity as God’s chosen people. The event demonstrated God’s power and faithfulness, reinforcing the Israelites’ trust in Him as they continued their journey to the Promised Land.

The story of “Marching Through the Sea” remains a powerful symbol of God’s ability to deliver His people from seemingly impossible situations, providing a path to freedom and victory.


The story of “Marching through the sea” – “मार्चिंग थ्रू द सी” की कहानी

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