Bible Stories

Story of elisha man of miracles – चमत्कारों के धनी एलीशा की कहानी

In the ancient land of Israel, during a time of great unrest and spiritual seeking, lived a prophet named Elisha. Known for his profound faith and divine connection, Elisha was a man of miracles whose life and deeds became a testament to the power of God.

One day, Elisha visited the city of Jericho, which was suffering from a severe water crisis. The water in the city was contaminated and causing illness. The people approached Elisha, pleading for his help. Elisha asked for a new bowl filled with salt and went to the spring that supplied the water. Standing by the spring, he threw the salt into the water and proclaimed, “This is what the Lord says: I have healed this water. Never again will it cause death or make the land unfruitful.” Miraculously, the water was purified, and the city’s health was restored.

In another instance, Elisha encountered a widow who was in desperate need. Her husband, a prophet, had died, leaving her in debt and facing the threat of having her sons taken as slaves to pay the creditors. Elisha asked her, “What do you have in your house?” She replied, “Nothing except a small jar of oil.” Elisha instructed her to gather as many empty jars as she could from her neighbors and pour the oil into them. The oil miraculously filled every jar she had, allowing her to sell it and pay off her debts. Her family was saved from ruin.

Elisha had a close friendship with a wealthy Shunammite woman who had provided him with a place to stay whenever he visited her town. In gratitude, Elisha prayed for her and foretold that she would have a son. Although she was old and had given up hope of having a child, she bore a son just as Elisha had promised. Years later, the boy fell ill and died. The Shunammite woman sought Elisha’s help, and he came to her home. He prayed to God and stretched himself over the boy. The child was revived, and the woman’s faith was rewarded.

One of the most famous miracles of Elisha involved Naaman, a commander of the army of Aram, who suffered from leprosy. A servant girl from Israel told Naaman about Elisha’s healing power. Naaman went to see Elisha, who instructed him to wash seven times in the Jordan River. Though initially skeptical, Naaman followed the prophet’s instructions and was miraculously healed of his leprosy. This act of faith and obedience led Naaman to acknowledge the God of Israel as the true God.

Once, as Elisha and his disciples were cutting down trees by the Jordan River, one of them lost an axe head, which fell into the water. The man was distressed because the axe was borrowed. Elisha threw a stick into the place where the axe head fell, and the iron floated to the surface, allowing the man to retrieve it.

Elisha’s life was filled with miraculous acts, each one demonstrating the power of God and deepening the faith of those who witnessed them. Through his actions, Elisha taught the people that God’s power could bring healing, provision, and restoration, and that faith and obedience to God’s word were the keys to experiencing these miracles.


Story of elisha man of miracles – चमत्कारों के धनी एलीशा की कहानी

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