Bible Stories

Story of isaac and rebekah – इसहाक और रिबका की कहानी

In the ancient land of Canaan, the story of Isaac and Rebekah unfolds, a tale of faith, family, and divine guidance. Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah, was chosen by God to continue the promise made to his father. As Isaac grew, it became time for him to find a wife. Abraham, knowing the significance of this choice, wanted to ensure that Isaac married someone who would honor God and contribute to the continuation of the divine promise.

Abraham called his trusted servant, Eliezer of Damascus, and gave him a solemn task. He instructed Eliezer to go back to Abraham’s homeland, Mesopotamia, and find a suitable wife for Isaac from among his relatives. Abraham made it clear that the wife must come from his own family, not from the Canaanites among whom they lived, because he wanted Isaac to marry someone who shared their faith and values.

Eliezer set out on his journey, taking with him gifts and provisions. As he traveled, he prayed to God for guidance, asking for a sign to identify the right woman for Isaac. He prayed that the chosen bride would offer water to him and his camels, demonstrating both kindness and hospitality.

Upon reaching the city of Nahor, Eliezer arrived at the well where he met Rebekah, a young woman of grace and beauty. As Eliezer prayed by the well, Rebekah came to draw water. True to the sign he had prayed for, Rebekah offered him water and also drew water for his camels, demonstrating her kindness and generosity.

Eliezer was amazed and believed that Rebekah was indeed the answer to his prayer. He gave her gifts and inquired about her family. Rebekah revealed that she was from the family of Abraham’s brother Nahor, confirming her suitability as Isaac’s wife. Eliezer then asked her family for permission to take her back to Canaan to marry Isaac.

Rebekah’s family, including her father Bethuel and her brother Laban, were impressed by Eliezer’s story and recognized the divine hand in the events. They agreed to let Rebekah go, trusting that this union was guided by God. Rebekah, showing faith and willingness, consented to leave her homeland and travel to a new land to marry Isaac.

Eliezer returned to Canaan with Rebekah, and when she arrived, Isaac was deeply moved by her presence. The two were married, and their union was a blessed one. Isaac loved Rebekah, and she became a cherished partner, contributing to the continuation of the promise made to Abraham.

Isaac and Rebekah’s marriage was marked by faithfulness and mutual respect. They had two sons, Esau and Jacob, through whom God would continue the line of His promise, ensuring that the covenant with Abraham remained steadfast.

The story of Isaac and Rebekah teaches the value of faith, divine guidance in making important decisions, and the significance of marrying someone who shares one’s beliefs and values. Their union is remembered as one blessed by God and instrumental in the unfolding of biblical history.


Story of isaac and rebekah – इसहाक और रिबका की कहानी

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