Bible Stories

The story of pilate’s judgment of jesus – पीलातुस द्वारा यीशु का न्याय करने की कहानी

In the narrative of Jesus’ trial, Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, plays a crucial role.

After being arrested, Jesus is brought before Pilate by the Jewish leaders. They accuse Jesus of claiming to be the King of the Jews, which they suggest is a challenge to Roman authority.

Pilate questions Jesus about these accusations. Jesus’ responses are enigmatic, and he largely remains silent or speaks in ways that do not directly answer Pilate’s questions. Pilate is perplexed by Jesus’ demeanor and his claims.

Pilate is faced with a dilemma. He finds no guilt in Jesus that warrants death according to Roman law, but he is under pressure from the Jewish authorities and the crowd. They demand that Jesus be crucified.

Pilate offers to release one prisoner as per the Passover custom. He presents Barabbas, a notorious criminal, and Jesus to the crowd. The crowd chooses Barabbas to be released, further increasing Pilate’s predicament.

In an attempt to distance himself from the decision and avoid responsibility for Jesus’ death, Pilate symbolically washes his hands in front of the crowd and declares that he is innocent of Jesus’ blood, leaving the decision to them.

Pilate ultimately succumbs to the pressure from the crowd and the Jewish leaders. He sentences Jesus to be crucified, despite his personal belief in Jesus’ innocence.

This episode highlights Pilate’s internal conflict, political maneuvering, and the tension between justice and external pressures. It also reflects the complex interplay of Roman governance and Jewish religious authorities during this period.


The story of pilate’s judgment of jesus – पीलातुस द्वारा यीशु का न्याय करने की कहानी

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