Bible Stories

The story of david not getting even – डेविड की बराबरी न कर पाने की कहानी

The story of David not getting even is illustrated in his interactions with King Saul. Despite having multiple opportunities to harm or kill Saul, David chooses not to take revenge.

David was anointed by God to be the next king of Israel, but Saul was the reigning king. Saul grew jealous of David’s success and popularity, leading to a period of intense conflict and pursuit.

While fleeing from Saul, David and his men hid in the cave of Engedi. Saul entered the cave to relieve himself, unaware that David and his men were hiding there. David’s men encouraged him to kill Saul, but David chose not to, believing it was wrong to harm the Lord’s anointed king. Instead, David secretly cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. After Saul left the cave, David revealed himself and showed Saul the piece of robe, proving he could have harmed him but chose not to. David spoke of his trust in God’s timing for Saul’s removal.

On another occasion, David and his men found Saul and his army camped at night. David’s companion, Abishai, urged him to kill Saul while he slept, but David refused, saying it was not his place to harm the Lord’s anointed. Instead, David took Saul’s spear and water jug, and he and Abishai left the camp undetected. David later called out to Saul from a distance, showing that he had once again spared his life. Saul acknowledged David’s righteousness and promised not to pursue him further.

Throughout these events, David demonstrates a commitment to not seeking revenge or taking matters into his own hands. He trusts in God’s justice and timing, reflecting his respect for God’s anointed authority and his own moral integrity.

These stories highlight David’s character and his understanding of divine justice and patience. They serve as a powerful example of restraint and trust in God’s plan.


The story of david not getting even – डेविड की बराबरी न कर पाने की कहानी

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