Bible Stories

The story of pharaoh sees the power of god – फिरौन ईश्वर की शक्ति को देखता है की कहानी

In the biblical account of the Exodus, the Pharaoh of Egypt confronts the might of the God of Israel through a series of miraculous plagues. Here’s a summary of the story:

Moses, chosen by God, was sent to Pharaoh to demand the release of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Pharaoh, however, refused to let them go. To demonstrate His power and compel Pharaoh to release the Israelites, God unleashed a series of ten plagues upon Egypt.

# The Ten Plagues – 

– The Nile River and all water sources in Egypt turned to blood, causing the fish to die and the water to become undrinkable.

– A plague of frogs overran Egypt, invading homes, fields, and the palace, creating widespread discomfort and chaos.

– The dust of the ground was turned into gnats that afflicted people and animals alike.

– Swarms of flies invaded Egyptian homes, filling the land with pestilence.

– A severe disease struck the Egyptian livestock, killing horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep, and goats.

– Painful boils and sores broke out on the skin of the Egyptians and their animals.

– A devastating hailstorm, mixed with fire, struck Egypt, destroying crops and livestock in the fields.

– Locusts swarmed across Egypt, consuming any remaining crops and vegetation that had survived the hail.

– A thick darkness covered Egypt for three days, so intense that it could be felt. The Israelites, however, had light in their dwellings.

– The final and most severe plague was the death of every firstborn in Egypt, from the heir of Pharaoh to the firstborn of cattle. This plague led Pharaoh to finally relent and allow the Israelites to leave.

Throughout the plagues, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. Even after each plague, he initially promised to release the Israelites but then changed his mind. It was only after the death of his firstborn son that Pharaoh allowed the Israelites to depart.

The plagues demonstrated God’s immense power and sovereignty, compelling Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of the Exodus, where the Israelites were freed from slavery and began their journey to the Promised Land. The story serves as a powerful testament to divine intervention and the consequences of resisting God’s will.


The story of pharaoh sees the power of god – फिरौन ईश्वर की शक्ति को देखता है की कहानी

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