Bible Stories

Story of breakfast with jesus – यीशु के साथ नाश्ते की कहानी

The “Breakfast with Jesus” story is a moving account from the New Testament, found in the Gospel of John, chapter 21.

After His resurrection, Jesus appears to His disciples by the Sea of Galilee. The disciples had returned to fishing, feeling uncertain about their future after the crucifixion and resurrection.

One morning, the disciples are fishing but catch nothing all night. At dawn, Jesus appears on the shore but the disciples do not initially recognize Him. Jesus instructs them to cast their net on the right side of the boat, and they catch a miraculous haul of fish. Upon realizing it’s Jesus, Peter jumps into the water to swim to shore.

When the disciples arrive at the shore, they find Jesus cooking breakfast for them over a fire of burning coals. There are already fish and bread on the fire. Jesus invites them to bring some of the fish they have just caught and to share the meal with Him.

After breakfast, Jesus engages Peter in a significant conversation. He asks Peter three times, “Do you love me?” Each time Peter responds affirmatively, and Jesus instructs him to “Feed my lambs,” “Take care of my sheep,” and “Feed my sheep.” This threefold question and response symbolize Peter’s restoration after his previous three denials of Jesus.

esus’ repeated questioning of Peter and His command to “feed my sheep” is a powerful act of restoration and forgiveness, addressing Peter’s earlier denials and reaffirming his role in leading the early Church.

Jesus provides for the disciples’ physical needs (through the miraculous catch and the meal) and offers them fellowship, symbolizing His care and the community of believers.

Jesus’ instructions to Peter emphasize the mission of caring for and guiding His followers, underscoring the responsibility of leaders in the faith.

The story of “Breakfast with Jesus” is a profound reminder of Jesus’ grace, forgiveness, and the calling of His followers to shepherd others in faith.


Story of breakfast with jesus – यीशु के साथ नाश्ते की कहानी

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