Bible Stories

The story of “Fixing supper and washing feet” – “रात का खाना ठीक करना और पैर धोना” की कहानी

The story of “Fixing Supper and Washing Feet” is a powerful account from the New Testament that emphasizes humility, service, and the nature of leadership.

The story takes place during the Last Supper, the final meal Jesus had with His disciples before His crucifixion. This meal is a significant event in the Gospels and represents a time of profound teaching and preparation for the events to come.

According to the Gospel of John (John 13:1-17), during the meal, Jesus did something unexpected and counter-cultural. He took off His outer clothing, wrapped a towel around His waist, and began to wash the feet of His disciples. In that time, washing feet was a task typically performed by servants or slaves, not by a teacher or leader.

When Jesus approached Peter to wash his feet, Peter initially resisted, saying, “You shall never wash my feet.” Jesus replied that unless He washed Peter’s feet, Peter would have no part with Him. Peter then asked Jesus to wash not only his feet but also his hands and head. Jesus explained that the washing was symbolic of the cleansing He would provide through His sacrifice and the need for His followers to serve others.

After washing their feet, Jesus put on His clothes and returned to His place at the table. He then told His disciples that He had given them an example to follow. He emphasized that if He, their Lord and Teacher, had washed their feet, they should also wash one another’s feet. This act of humility was meant to teach them about serving others selflessly and the importance of humility in leadership.

Jesus demonstrated that true leadership involves serving others and being willing to take on even the lowliest tasks for the sake of others. The act of washing feet symbolized the spiritual cleansing and forgiveness that Jesus offers. Jesus set an example for His followers to emulate in their own lives, emphasizing that service and love should be central to their interactions with others.

This story is commemorated in Christian traditions and teachings as a profound lesson in humility, service, and the nature of Christ’s love. It serves as a reminder to believers of the importance of serving others with a spirit of humility and compassion.


The story of “Fixing supper and washing feet” – “रात का खाना ठीक करना और पैर धोना” की कहानी

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