Bible Stories

Story of jeremiah writing a message from god – यिर्मयाह द्वारा परमेश्वर का संदेश लिखने की कहानी

Story of Jeremiah writing a message from God is an important part of the biblical narrative found in the Book of Jeremiah.

Jeremiah, a prophet during the late 7th and early 6th centuries BCE, was called by God to deliver messages to the people of Judah. His prophecies often warned of impending judgment due to the people’s unfaithfulness to God.

In Jeremiah 36, we learn about a significant event involving a scroll. God instructed Jeremiah to write down all the prophecies He had given him regarding the impending destruction of Judah and Jerusalem due to the people’s sin and disobedience.

Jeremiah dictated these messages to Baruch, his scribe. Baruch wrote them on a scroll, which was then read aloud in the Temple and to the people. This act was intended to make the divine warnings accessible to everyone.

When the scroll was read before King Jehoiakim, he reacted with hostility. He burned the scroll in a fire, demonstrating his rejection of Jeremiah’s message. Despite this, Jeremiah and Baruch were instructed to write a new scroll with similar messages, underscoring the unchangeable nature of God’s word.

The story highlights themes of divine judgment, the persistence of God’s message, and the opposition faced by prophets. Jeremiah’s writings are a significant part of the Old Testament, and they reflect the challenges of delivering difficult messages and the unwavering truth of divine revelation.

This episode illustrates both the prophet’s dedication to delivering God’s messages and the resistance he faced from those in power. It emphasizes the enduring nature of divine prophecy and the consequences of ignoring God’s warnings.


The story of jeremiah writing a message from god – यिर्मयाह द्वारा परमेश्वर का संदेश लिखने की कहानी

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