Bible Stories

Samuel hears a voice story – शमूएल को एक आवाज सुनाई देती है कहानी

In ancient Israel, there was a young boy named Samuel who lived with Eli, a priest in the temple of Shiloh. Samuel’s mother, Hannah, had dedicated him to serve God as a thank you for blessing her with a child after many years of barrenness. Samuel was a faithful servant, and he spent his days helping Eli and learning about the ways of the Lord.

One night, as Samuel lay in his bed in the temple, he heard a voice calling his name, “Samuel!” He got up and ran to Eli, thinking the old priest had called him. “Here I am,” Samuel said. Eli looked at him and said, “I did not call you. Go back to bed.”

Samuel returned to his bed, but again he heard the voice calling, “Samuel!” He got up once more and went to Eli. Again, Eli said, “I did not call you, my son. Go back to bed.”

A third time, Samuel heard the voice calling his name. He went to Eli once again. This time, Eli realized that it was God who was calling Samuel. He told Samuel, “Go back and lie down. If you hear the voice again, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’”

Samuel returned to his bed. As he lay there, he heard the voice call out again, “Samuel, Samuel!” This time, Samuel replied as Eli had instructed, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

God spoke to Samuel and revealed to him that He was going to do something remarkable in Israel. He told Samuel about the coming changes and the judgments that would befall Eli’s household because of the sins of Eli’s sons. God chose Samuel to be His prophet and to bring His messages to the people of Israel.

The next morning, Samuel was afraid to share what God had told him with Eli. But Eli urged him to speak and to reveal the message. Samuel told Eli everything God had said. Eli accepted the message with humility and acknowledged that God’s will was to be done.

As Samuel grew up, he became a great prophet and judge of Israel. He led the people with wisdom and faithfulness, guiding them through difficult times and helping them to follow God’s ways. The story of Samuel hearing God’s voice is a powerful reminder of how God calls us to listen and respond with obedience, even when the call is unexpected or challenging.


Samuel hears a voice story – शमूएल को एक आवाज सुनाई देती है कहानी

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